The partner laboratories bring skills mainly from the fields of Engineering Sciences and Humanities and Social Sciences.
The eight research units are :
- Pascal Institute (UMR 6602 – CNRS/UCA/SIGMA) : The Pascal Institute was born from the successive merger (2012, then 2017) of six former laboratories from Clermont within the engineering field. It brings to LabEx IMobS3 mainly its skills in Robotics, Mechanics and Process Engineering.
- LIMOS (UMR 6158 – CNRS/UCA/SIGMA) : The scientific positioning of LIMOS is centered on Computer Science, Modeling and Optimization of Organizational and Living Systems. These contributions concern Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and decision support tools.
- TSCF (INRAe Research Unit) : The Research Unit "Technologies and Information Systems for Agrosystems of Clermont-Ferrand" (TSCF) mobilizes its competences in the fields of Engineering sciences and also information and communication technologies (ICT) to conduct research on methods and tools for agro-environmental systems engineering.
- DLCF (Cerema Research Unit) : The Laboratory Department of Clermont-Ferrand du Cerema, thanks in particular to its platform "Fog and Rain", unique at national level, develops research and innovation activities on the themes of road safety and sustainable mobility.
- ICCF (UMR 6296 – CNRS/UCA/SIGMA) : The Institute of Chemistry of Clermont-Ferrand brings together the research activities in chemistry of the site. Its team working on Inorganic Materials intervenes in the IMobS3. The latter works on luminescent materials for imaging and for LED lighting systems, as well as on cold plasmas for photovoltaic devices.
- LMBP (UMR 6620 – CNRS/UCA) : The Blaise Pascal Mathematics Laboratory is the main public research center in mathematics of the Auvergne region. Its contributions to the LabEx are based on notions of Applied Mathematics especially on topics of optimization.
- LAPSCO (UMR 6624 – CNRS/UCA) : The LAPSCO studies behaviors and cognitive processes involved in major mental functions (perception, attention, memory, language, temporality), from their cerebral bases to their regulations under the influence of the social environment. The LAPSCO provides LabEx expertise on acceptability, acceptance and appropriation of new devices.
- ACTé (EA 4281 – UCA) : The Laboratory "Activity, Knowledge, Transmission and Education" mainly brings together researchers in Sciences of Education and Techniques for Physical and Sports Activities. The notions of ergonomics are at the heart of its contributions.