Many ANR, FUI or ADEME collaborative projects, involving IMobS3 actors have been funded since its inception. We can quote:
- Baudet Rob (ANR 2011-14): Mobile robot of logistic assistance for a more effective, more reactive and more safe mobility groups ;
- ARMS (ANR 2011-14): A multi-arms robotic system for muscle separation ;
- SCRIPT (ANR 2012-15): Decision support system for robust design and service quality indicators of railways transport plans ;
- PRIAM (ANR 2012-15): Development of a volumetrically-lightened flat panel photobioreactor ;
- BUSINOVA EVOLUTION (ADEME 2012-15): Multi-hybrid motorization buses ;
- Vipa Fleet (FUI 2013-16): Deployment of a fleet of autonomous shuttles on an industrial site ;
- ATHENA (ANR 2013-16): Optimization methods for solving difficult integrated decision problems ;
- i-LEED (FP7 2013-16): Advanced cattle feeding on pasture through innovative pasture management ;
- AdaP2e (ANR 2014-17): Adaptive Autonomous Production platform for environment ;
- TIPCO (Regional call 2014-17): Intelligent traceability for complex industrial products ;
- Clean Robot (FUI 2014-17): Autonomous washing cell in industrial environment ;
- ROMAP (FUI 2014-17): Robotic systems for very large metallic surfaces treatment ;
- AWARE (FUI 2014-17): All Weather All Roads Enhanced vision ;
- EVERS (ANR 2015-18): Electric vehicles routing and scheduling challenges within urban logistic ;
- AEROSTRIP (FUI 2015-18): Eco-pickling robotic integrated system for aeronautics ;
- PumAgri (FUI 2015-19): Universal mobile platform for agriculture ;
- Baudet Rob2 (ANR 2016-19): Mobile robot of logistic assistance ;
- TORNADO (FUI 2017-20): Interactions between autonomous vehicles and infrastructures for mobility services in low-density areas ;
- FURIOUS (PST DGA 2018-21): Terrestrial robots insertion within military forces ;
- CAPTAIN (ANR 2018-21): Optical sensors for monitoring air quality ;
- ProBHyM (ANR 2018-21): Bio-hydrogen production - Towards an additional pathway for the biological recovery of waste for the methanation sector.
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