
Mobilité Innovante
des personnes, des biens et des machines

Director's speech

Considering the three main challenges of the fossil fuels rarefaction, the global warming and the ongoing demographic changes, we have to rethink our travel modes. One absolute certainty: the mobility of tomorrow cannot be the on of today.  

Winner of the 1st call for programs "Laboratories of Excellence" Investments of Future whose objective is to revive the economy through innovation, the collaborative project IMobS3 (8 academic partner laboratories from Clermont-Ferrand) proposes to develop efficient technological bricks and respectful of the environment as part of the innovative mobility of people, goods and machines.  

Backed by the CIMES competitiveness cluster and partner of major companies (Michelin, Aubert & Duval, ESA, Automobiles Ligier, ...), the LabEx IMobS3 is positioned vis-à-vis the economic world, particularly the robotics sector, as a high-level scientific support . "Our role is to provide concrete solutions to innovation issues and to remove technological barriers in terms of mechanical and mechatronic design, embedded intelligence, decision support, bioenergy, etc."


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